Today 19th of July 2014, thirty days after the launch, Gauss team wants to celebrate the first month of full operations of UniSat-6 with all the supporters and HAM radios that are following news and/or that are sending us telemetry data from each corner of the world.
In the first month of flight, on UniSat-6 everything is going as expected and we have a fully operational satellite that has already accomplished its most important mission tasks releasing in orbit and in good health four CubeSats, one of them has also split in two parts, bringing the satellites carried in the space by the Dnepr up to 38 instead of 33 as it was declared. Now UniSat-6 is taking several pictures all around the world and it is sending us precious information about electronic products that Gauss Srl is testing in orbit.

Sample of the temperature of the radio acquired during five consecutive orbits.
In the graphs we can observe the moment in which the four CubeSats were released in orbit (about one day after the separation from the Dnepr launcher), that produced a spin up in the rotation of the SC and also the temperature dropped more than 10 degrees. It is also is visible a long term periodic behavior due to the repetition path in a quasi-heliosychronous orbit.

******* “UNISAT-6: thanks to all HAM! 🙂 @gaussteam” *******
This is the UniSat-6’s doodle text string (beacon 1) that it is being broadcasted all over the world by UniSat-6 to thank all the HAM radio community. We have also started the operations of the camera and we have downloaded more than 20 pictures also thanks to the HAM radio community that is sending us data of the satellite every day.
Stay tuned because new pictures are coming soon.

Clouds over the Indian Ocean 09/07/2014, 06:58:42 UTC, Lat. -18.351°, Long. 55.365° and Altitude 700.92Km.

Passing over Australia, 13/07/2014, 00:41:48 UTC, Lat. -28.417°, Long. 151.24° and Altitude 705.26Km.
This are the HAM radio amateurs that have been sending us valuable telemetry of the spacecraft during our operations (hoping we did not forget anybody, we will keep it updated). Special thanks to:
Name/HAM radio Nick | From | Institute/Organization/comments |
Roland Coelho, Justin Carnahan, Justin Foley | San Louis Obispo, CA, USA | Tyvak team & California Polytechnic State University |
Fernando Aguado Agelet, Franco Pérez, Antón Vázquez, Alberto González | Vigo, Spain | Humsat team, University of VIGO |
Benjamin Malphrus, Kevin Brown, Murphy Stratton | Morehead, KY, USA | Space Science Center, Morehead State University |
Slavi Dombrovski | Germany | University of Würzburg |
Mike Rupprecht (DK3WN) | Germany | HAM radio |
Davide D’Aliesio (IW0HLG) | Italy | HAM radio |
Mitsuo Noguchi (JA5BLZ) | Japan | HAM radio |
Legionelmelenas | Granada, Spain | HAM radio |
Mario (LU4EOU) | Argentina | HAM radio |
Kasei Toshio (JA1GDE) | Japan | HAM radio |
Antonio Vilchez | Spain | HAM radio |
Jan van Gils (PE0SAT) | Netherlands | HAM radio |
Horacio Rasetti (CX8AF) | Montevideo, Uruguay | HAM radio |
Dmitry Pashkov (R4UAB) | Russia | HAM radio |
Yoshikatsu Yagi (JA5JKD) | Japan | HAM radio |
Iji Yoshitomo (JA6PL) | Japan | HAM radio |
Tetsurou Satou (JA0CAW) | Japan | HAM radio |
Leon Steenkamp | Cape Town, South Africa | HAM radio |