The TuPOD transmitted on radio amateur frequencies and the HAM radio community received the satellite signal all over the world!.
The frequency was 437.425MHz with a variation of +/- 10KHz due to the doppler shift. The satellite transmitted a small FM morse beacon that was activated on the 20th of January 2017 at around 0:00 UTC and it lasted for 4 days until the primary mission was completed and the primary batteries depleted. (TuPOD does not have rechargeable batteries nor solar panels).

TuPOD Beacon received by JA0CAW on the 20th of January
After the release of the onboard TubeSats, the satellite will rapidly decay due to the atmospheric drag. It is expected to re-enter in a few weeks after the TubeSats deployment.
Two-Line Element
SpaceTrack initially assigned the NORAD catalog Number 41931 to the TuPOD, however after the release of the TubeSats its identifier was changed to 41936. The following TLE was the be valid one for the complete period in which the satellite had the transmitter switched on.
TUPOD 1 41931U 98067KT 17018.21198326 .00008747 00000-0 13520-3 0 9997 2 41931 51.6419 65.9509 0009399 70.6502 289.5497 15.54917829 173
The TubeSats TANCREDO-1 and OSNSat received the NORAD catalog numbers 41931 and 41939 respectively.