The 5th edition of the IAA Conference On University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop is scheduled for January 28th – 31th, 2020.
“Getting closer to Mars”
GAUSS and the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) are pleased to announce that the fifth edition of the IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop will take place on January 28-31, 2020 in Rome.

5th IAA Conference Poster
Following the successful tradition, the renowned Conference dedicated to CubeSats technology will be organized by GAUSS Srl and sponsored by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
The conference will be held in the elegant ambient of the historic building of Palazzo Rospigliosi, in the city center of Rome.
The Conference will gather professionals, researchers, professors and students who are involved in the Small Satellite Community to enhance knowledge and to create a large network.
It is a notable opportunity to interact with insiders and students of the Small Satellite Community, participating in such a specialized forum on the CubeSats domain.
Participants have the opportunity of presenting a Paper on the related topics, upon Abstract approval.
The Conference will offer technical sessions on:
- Space Mission Overview, Current and Future University Satellite Missions, Launch opportunities, Ground Segment and Station Networks, Space Debris;
- New Perspectives in the Application of Microsatellites;
- CubeSats Activities Overview, CubeSats Subsystems and Payloads, Interplanetary CubeSats Perspectives, PocketQubeSat Activities. Formation flight missions;
- CubeSat on Mars perspectives.
Book in advance to benefit from the early bird fee.
More info is available in the dedicated section of the GAUSS website.
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