On October 29th, 2021, during the closing ceremony of the 2021 International Astronautical Congress that was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Prof. Filippo Graziani, President of GAUSS Srl, was awarded the prestigious Frank J. Malina Astronautics Award by the International Astronautical Federation.
This award is presented annually to an educator who has demonstrated excellence in using his/her available resources to promote the study of astronautics and related space sciences.
Frank Joseph Malina (October 2, 1912 – November 9, 1981) was an American aeronautical engineer and painter, especially known for becoming both a pioneer in the art world and the realm of scientific engineering.
Frank J. Malina also was an active volunteer of the International Astronautical Federation.
In 1942, von Kármán, Malina and three other students started the Aerojet Corporation, an American rocket and missile propulsion manufacturer based primarily in Rancho Cordova, California.
The award was presented by IAF President, Pascale Ehrenfreund, during the honors and awards session of the closing ceremony of the 2021 IAC.
Here is an extract of the Award ceremony, and the speech of Prof. Graziani:
Here are some pictures of the Award ceremony:
Here are the past recipients of the Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal:
- 2019 Mengu Cho (Japan)
- 2018 David B. Spencer (USA)
- 2017 Lynn Cominsky (USA)
- 2016 Bénédicte Escudier (France)
- 2015 Boris Pschenichner (Russia)
- 2014 Bryan Debates (USA)
- 2013 John M. Logsdon (USA)
- 2012 Amalia Ercoli-Finzi (Italy)
- 2011 Yves Gourinat (France)
- 2010 Jean-Marie Wersinger (USA)
- 2009 Barbara Morgan (USA)
- 2008 Anne Brumfitt (Australia)
- 2007 Peter M. Bainum (USA)
- 2006 Tetsuo Yasaka (Japan)
- 2005 G.P. “Bud” Peterson (USA)
- 2004 Eugene Dzhur (Ukraine)
- 2003 William A. Hiscock (USA)
- 2002 Sir Martin Sweeting (UK)
- 2001 Carlo Buongiorno (Italy)
- 2000 Roland Doré (Canada)
- 1999 John L. Junkins (USA)
- 1998 Kiran Karnik (India)
- 1997 Vladimir V. Prisniakov and Skip Fletcher (USA)
- 1996 Julius E. Dash and Prof. Motocki Hinada (USA/Japan)
- 1995 John L. Whitesides (USA)
- 1994 Richard A. Seebass (USA)
- 1993 Hans H. Von Muldau (Germany)
- 1992 Oleg M. Alifanov and Willy Sadeh (Russia/USA)
- 1991 Gerald M. Gregoreck (USA)
- 1990 no recipient
- 1989 no recipient
- 1988 André Lebeau (France)
- 1987 Luigi G. Napolitano (Italy)
- 1986 Sharon Krista McAuliffe (First Teacher in Space, posthumously, USA)
- 1984 Laszlo Gazdag (Hungary)
Prof. Graziani received another prominent award during the International Academy of Astronautics Gala Dinner, the Basic Sciences Award presented by the International Academy of Astronautics, for significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of the Astronautical Sciences.