GAUSS will participate in and be a sponsor of the 2nd Latin American IAA CubeSat Workshop (IAA-LACW), to be held in Florianópolis, on the island of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, from 28 February to 2 March 2016. The event is organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the University of Brasilia (UnB); it is co-hosted with LASCAS 2016 and Iberchip 2016.
The workshop will gather scientists and engineers who can discuss achievements and cutting edge findings on CubeSat related topics, being an opportunity to talk about technical novelties and tutorial overviews, such as CubeSat missions and applications, innovative solutions for university satellite subsystems technology, launch opportunities and many others, like for instance a University platform for biomedical research in space.The forum will also address the CubeSat missions in Latin America and participants from the industrial and the academic environments may share their professional knowledge and increase their networks.
Some of the most prominent professionals of the CubeSat missions and applications scenery will attend the workshop giving specific lectures. GAUSS, as a CubeSat leading company, will give a speech on “GAUSS new launch and deployment strategies”.

Landscape of Ingleses Beach, Florianopolis, BRAZIL©
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