Together with the recent fourth anniversary of the satellite UniSat-6, GAUSS OBC ABACUS reached a flight heritage of four years flying on two small satellites, namely UniSat-6 and Tigrisat.
Infact, since June 2014, the brain of the satellite, the on board computer specifically developed for microsatellites, has successfully spent several years in orbit, being continuously up and running.
In total, ABACUS OBC has flown on several satellites, such as:
- UniCubeSat-GG (CubeSat 1U)
- UniSat-5 (microsatellite)
- UniSat-6 (microsatellite)
- TigriSat (CubeSat 3U)
- Serpens (CubeSat 3U)
Moreover, ABACUS will be one of the OBC in UniSat-7 mission.
Flight Heritage is important in terms of scientific research, gaining significant aerospace experience and providing useful case studies of the behaviour of the satellites and their components while in space.

GAUSS ABACUS OBC is available on request at a very convenient price, you can contact us at
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