Today UniSat-6 marks its first five years in orbit!
UniSat-6 was launched on 19 June 2014 and has been operative since then.
Communications are carried out on a daily basis as the satellite passes on average 6 times over GAUSS ground station every day.
Here below we have gathered some relevant data concerning UniSat-6 fifth post-launch year, received through GAUSS ground station:
- 26879 total orbits completed around the Earth during these 5 years
- Over a billion km traveled in 5 years (more than 3400 times the Earth-Moon distance)
- More than 60 millions of telemetry data downloaded during this last year
Hence the mission continues with all systems – e.g. the on-board computer ABACUS – fully functional and operational.
We also take the opportunity to thank the Radio Amateurs Community that continues tracking the satellite.
Here below a couple of pictures taken from UniSat-6 during its fifth year in orbit:

UniSat-6 passing over Japan – Winter 2018