The 5th IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop will take place on January 28-31, 2020, in the artistic frame of “Palazzo Rospigliosi”, Roma.
The building is located in the heart of downtown in Roma, across from the Quirinale (official residence of the President of the Italian Republic).It was built in 1611 by Scipione Borghese, form a project drawn up by Vasanzio and Maderno. The interior was decorated by Guido Reni, Paul Bril, Orazio Gentileschi and other celebrated 17th century.*
Address: Via XXIV Maggio, 43 00187 – Roma, Italia.
How to get there:
[Google_Maps_WD id=4 map=4]
The Conference location is well connected with public transportation.
Please, check out how to reach Palazzo Rospigliosi.

Entrance of Palazzo Rospigliosi