Here you can find all the information on how to register to the “5th IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop”.
After the Conference, papers will be published and indexed as Proceedings in a dedicated volume of the American Astronautical Society “Advances in the Astronautical Sciences” series by Univelt, Inc., USA.
Conference participants must register online on this website (except for the in situ registration, that will depend on the availability).
Registered participants will be given the material package upon their arrival at the event.
Please, read the indications listed in the table below and then fill in the form selecting the correct fee category and your contact details.
Category | Early Bird Registration (until Dec 30th, 2019) | Registration (after Dec 30th, 2019) | In Situ Registration |
Non IAA Member | 500 € | 550 € | 600 € |
IAA Member | 450 € | 500 € | 550 € |
Student | 200 € | 250 € | 300 € |
Accompanying | 300 € | 350 € | 400 € |
Enrollment ensures technical sessions entrance, welcome cocktail, coffee breaks and lunches, conclusive stirrup cup and conference bag.
The European Space Agency Education Office will provide three studentships to eligible students.
More info here.
With a small extra you can have the possibility to take a guided tour in a art gallery of the city.
Gala Dinner will take place in the same location, ticket cost 100€ per person.

Gala Dinner Hall
The payment can be made by:
- Online: Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX) via Stripe (a 3.5% transaction fee is applied).
- Online: Paypal funds and credit card processing (a 3.5% transaction fee is applied).
- Offline: Bank transfer to GAUSS Srl, via Lariana 5, 00199 Roma (Italy)
Banca di Credito Cooperativo-Filiale di Roma
IBAN IT62 F083 2703 2000 0000 0043 456
Online registration is also required for bank transfer payments. After the registration confirmation, an e-mail will be sent to the address provided in the form. Once a payment via bank transfer is processed, the system will update the individual registration page linked in the registration confirmation e-mail. Transaction fee (“Sales Tax“) is not due for Bank Transfer payment, therefore the total amount in the Bank Transfer must reflect only the admission fee.
- Cash (only in situ).
- The Registration must be accompanied with payment of the corresponding registration fee. For payment by Bank Transfer, the registration will be confirmed only after receiving the copy of the payment sent by email (
- Registrations that are not followed by their off-line payment within 5 days will be cancelled.
- All payments must be in Euros. Registration fees are inclusive of Italian VAT (22%).
- All the transactions fees are at the expense of the sender.
- Online (Stripe and Paypal) payments have a 3.5% surcharge to take into account the high service taxes for credit card and funds transfers.
- Offline payments
- Students must provide a proof (e.g. student card copy) of their status to avail reduced fees.
- In situ credit card payments will be processed including the 3.5% surcharge.
- Conference discalimer and additional terms can be found here.
- Click here to register online for the conference.
Important notice: Payment proof for the bank transfer must be sent to the email address (subject: Bank Transfer Payment – Name Surname)
Confirmation of registration: You will receive a copy of your registration application by email.