1st IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and 1st CubeSat Winter Workshop in Europe

Where we are and where we are planning to go: State-of-the-art and new perspectives for university satellites missions. “From nanosatellites to femtosatellites”
The Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of Sapienza University of Roma is honoured to host the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and the 1st CubeSat Winter Workshop, dedicated to the new generation of university satellites: micro, pico, femtosatellites, from cubesats to pocketsats. In particular the 1st CubeSat Winter Workshop will provide the opportunity to students to have an overview of the current status of the university microsatellites, as well as to exchange different points of view through a variety of sessions, laboratories and forums.
We are also very proud to recall that the Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale itself initiated the university satellite program, exactly fifty years ago.
The Conference and the Workshop are directed also to both past and present students already skilled and experienced in satellite design and manufacture, as well as to beginner students for which special laboratories will be organized during the workshop, and last but not least to future students (high school students) for which a full half-day meeting is specially dedicated.
We invite you to participate and we are looking forward to meeting you in Roma.
Roma, August 25, 2010
Filippo Graziani
Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Conference Location and Dates:
Roma, Italy, January 24-29, 2011
Conference site: The Conference will be held in the Centro Logistico della Guardia di Finanza – Villa Spada. Via Castiglion Fiorentino, 50 – 00138 Roma
Local Organizing Committee:
• F. Graziani, Sapienza Senior Professor
• C. Ulivieri, Director, Research Center San Marco Project (CRPSM)
• P. Teofilatto, Professor of Space Launchers Flight Mechanics (SIA)
• C. Cappelletti, PhD Candidate, GAUSS team Coordinator (SIA)
• S. Battistini, PhD Candidate, (SIA)
Scientific Committee: Jean-Michel Contant, Robert J. Twiggs, Martin Sweeting, Filippo Graziani, Jean Muylaert, Jordi Puig-Suari, Rainer Sandau, Rheinard Ruedeger, Francesco Emma, Vladimir Andreev, David M. Klumpar, Sergio Chiesa, Michael Ovchinnikov, Piero Galeone, Paolo Teofilatto, Benjamin K. Malphrus, Helen Page, Carlo Ulivieri, Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Fernando Aguado Agelet.
Principal Sponsor: International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
European Space Agency (ESA)
Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Quarto Municipio di Roma
Von Karman Institute (VKI)
Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (SIA)
Morehead State University (MSU)
ISC Kosmotras
Centro Ricerche Progetto San Marco (CRPSM)
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Astronautica, Elettrica,Energetica (DIAEE)
Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A.
AeroSekur srl
G&A srl
DMA srl
Goal and Topics of the Conference:
The Conference has the goal to provide to the international space community a forum for presentation and discussion in the area of University Satellites. Inside the Conference two days are completely dedicated to the CubeSat community. The main topics are related to the theme: “Innovative aspects of the field related to science and engineering for university nano, pico and femto satellites.”
Proposed Topics:
- Space Environment Remote sensing and Earth observation
- Innovative solutions for university satellite subsystems
- Launch opportunities
- Space Debris
- Ground Segment and Stations Network
- New Perspectives for CubeSats
- Cubesats Future Payloads and Experiments
- Micro-propulsion Subsystems
- Formation Flying
- Cubesat In-Orbit Experience
- Cubesats Scientific Missions and “applications” activities
Exhibition: The Workshop is accompanied by an industrial exhibition of space engineering technologies and equipment.