Detailed Program of the 3rd IAA Conference On University Satellite Missions
You may find the detailed program here. See you in Rome!
You may find the detailed program here. See you in Rome!
Dear All, Below you may find the Program of the 3rd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions & CubeSat Workshop. We are looking forward to seeing you in Rome!
The 3rd IAA Conference On University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop & International Workshop on Lean Satellite Standardization is about to start. Just four days to go: from the 30 November to the 5 December 2015 the conference will be held in the artistic location of Palazzo Rospigliosi in the centre of Rome. It is a notable opportunity to interact with insiders […]
Here is the sessions program for the conference. You may download the file using the link below.
You may find the guidelines for the poster preparation here.
The format is A0 portrait, (841 x 1189 mm), with the paper code on top, followed by the paper title, centered. Make sure to maintain paragraph clarity by using a font size which can be read at some distance. It is recommended that all text be limited to 1/5th of the poster. Include the […]