Now GAUSS Observatory of Castelgrande has an MPC code!

The MPC is the 3-digit unique identifier designated by the Minor Planet Center to the astronomical observatories, in order to list them in a worldwide register and ease the report of their astrometric observation.
The site code of ISON-Castelgrande Observatory is L28 and its geographical coordinates are 15.46339 0.758034 +0.650341 as it is marked in the List of Observatory Codes.
The Minor Planet Center (MPC) has the objectives of identifying, designating and keeping track of orbit computation for minor planets, comets and Near Earth Objects that are discovered and operates at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under the aegis of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Castelgrande registered Observatory (located in the Basilicata Region, in Italy) carries out Space Debris and NEO observations through the CastelGauss Project.

CastelGauss Dome with telescope – Observatory of Castelgrande

Picture of the sky on a cloudy Spring night: the satellite UniSat-6 (the round fixed shape) and several stars (lines in movement) taken with Castelgrande Observatory’s telescope.