GAUSS is participating in the International Conference on Micro & NanoSatellites “Space Technologies & Satellites Applications” taking place on 2 and 3 May 2017 in Rabat, Morocco, at Mohammed V University Presidency (Agdal, Rabat).
The event is one of the KSF Space Foundation’s activities aiming at promoting activities and cooperation of space researchers, scientists, experts, engineers. The Conference is organized by KSF Space, IEEE Communications Society Morocco Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and ENSIAS (Higher school of information systems and analysis). Conference partners are GAUSS Srl (Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems), AESS IEEE Aerospace, Surrey Space Center, 4DBC, NewSpaceSystems, MarocPM, Maroc Data Center and MEDASYS. As for the news partners, they are Time Business, SATELLITE Evolution Group, Geoconnexion, Satnews and
The Conference approaches all the facets of MicroSatellites and NanoSatellites domain, ranging from education, structures, related subsystems to launch opportunities and many others. Not only are small sized satellites fabrication and related launch services GAUSS’ main field of expertise but GAUSS is also an example of noteworthy combination of theory and practice, linking academia and industry in a successful way (that is key to the program MNSAT aims to create).
This international forum is gathering experts from academia and space industry sectors, with the objective of disseminating current accomplishments of research, development, implementation and applications of Small Sat technologies, tackling the following major topics: Nano-Micro Satellite Missions, Technologies and Infrastructure, Telecommunication & Satellite Applications, Computer and Network.
The MNSAT Conference 2017 features very significant speakers, namely Professor Filippo Graziani, GAUSS Srl President, Italy, Guglielmo S. Aglietti, PhD CEng FRAeS, Professor of Space Engineering and Director of Surrey Space Centre United Kingdom and Wolfgang Koch, IEEE Aerospace, USA.
Professor Graziani is presenting a lecture titled “GAUSS MICRO AND NANO SATELLITES: EXPERIENCES AND PROPOSALS”, on May 2, 2017, telling about his Company’s first line reality in the growing and promising segment of the small satellites launch industry.

MNSAT Conference Opening Ceremony, 2nd of May 2017 @MNSAT Conference

Professor Graziani, GAUSS President, speaking at the MNSAT Conference in Rabat (Morocco) @ MNSAT Conference

Professor Graziani speaking at the Conference @ MNSAT Conference

MNSAT Conference Panel Discussion @MNSAT Conference

Professor Graziani during the Round Table © MNSAT – KSF Space Foundation

Prof. Graziani’s presentation “GAUSS Micro and Nano Satellites: Experiences and Proposals”, May 2, 2017 @MNSAT Conference

Professor Graziani during his presentation for MNSAT 2017 Conference © MNSAT – KSF Space Foundation

Chairmans of the Program Commitee © MNSAT – KSF Space Foundation

Images of the Conference preparation © MNSAT – KSF Space Foundation