We are pleased to announce you that the Papers presented at the 4th IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop have been indexed and published as Proceedings in the dedicated Volume 163 of the American Astronautical Society “Advances in the Astronautical Sciences” Series by Univelt, Inc., USA.
Univelt Incorporated is a publishing company that publishes all American Astronautical Society books, papers and conference proceedings and also written works dealing with astronautics, space flight and more space-related themes of NASA and other entities belonging to the space field.
The Conference registrants who are also authors of the Papers have received a digital copy of the Volume via e-mail. For all interested people the Volume is available for purchase on the Univelt website in both CD and printed book versions.
Conference attendees can benefit from the 50% discount for the purchase of the combined hard copy/CD version of the Proceedings, as per Univelt notice. More information on the Volume 163 can be found on this page.
The ISBN numbers of the scientific Publications are as follows:
Digital version: 978-0-87703-648-7
Hard Copy Combined with CD version: 978-0-87703-647-0
The CDROM/Digital Copy and the Hard Copy contain the full text Papers, grouped by topics, plus the Foreword of Professor Filippo Graziani who is GAUSS President, IAA Member, main Conference organizer and Proceedings’ Editor, and the article of the journalist Olga Ovchinnikova.

Illustration of the Front Cover of the Digital Version of the Proceedings of Volume 163
We take the occasion to thank all the authors who participated with their valuable works at the successful 4th Conference edition in December 2017.
Keep up the good work!
The Conference Local Committee